The CommUNITY BibleReading is a testimony to the unity in the Body of Christ. The community of believers world-wide are called to a weekly reading of the Bible to prepare for the 2000th anniversary of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The bimillennial provides a unique opportunity to exhibit the “oneness” Jesus asked for his followers in John 17. The Bible is critical, being essential for our knowledge of God, for our growth as his disciples, and for our witness to a world in great need of the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. Communities everywhere are encouraged to follow this plan to read or listen to the same verses from the Bible each week.
Both the Old Testament and New Testament are being read to ensure a foundational understanding of history and the character of God – his power, his holiness, and his loving kindness. The whole Bible points to the fulfillment of God’s promises through a redemptive work accomplished by Jesus through the crucifixion and resurrection.
The CommUNITY Bible Reading initiative has 2 major components implemented under the auspices of
The publication, dissemination, and promotion of the CommUNITY Bible Reading Plan.
The encouragement and facilitation of the Community Bible reading/listening groups set up around the world – engaging the multitude of nations, ethnicities, languages, cultures, traditions, backgrounds, and literacies in the common public reading of the Bible.
This CommUNITY Bible Reading Plan consists of a 'Core Session' each week with ~40-minutes of readings from the Bible – from Psalms/Proverbs, the Old Testament, and the New Testament – covering the books of the Bible common to all Christian traditions. The schedule for Bible readings is detailed below that shows the Sunday that begins the week of each session. Though the readings can be done individually, groups are encouraged to assemble each week, either virtually (e.g. Zoom) or in-person, to read the Core Weekly Bible Readings. Each group assembled has the freedom to add more scripture readings, discussions, Q & A, resource reviews, or prayer time to their gatherings. Listening to the passages from a dramatic audio Bible may take up to 45 minutes each week. If you plan for a group reading, please contact us to see if we can be of assistance. Please share the plan with others.
These Core Weekly Bible Readings are to augment, not replace, personal Bible study times or times for church worship gatherings. A schedule for optional readings from the 7 Deuterocanonical Books is also included for edification and wisdom. These writings would add ~10 minutes to the weekly reading time for 62 sessions (sessions 92 to 153). These weekly readings should encourage deeper exploration of the Bible. One cycle of whole Bible will be completed in 156 sessions/weeks or 3 years.
As this CommUNITY Bible Reading is a common celebration of Jesus Christ, the readings have been synchronized to the calendar and will complete a full cycle of reading of the Bible after the movable feasts (Pentecost} of the ecclesiastical calendar every third year. This CommUNITY Plan is made available for dissemination for individuals or organizations that wish to utilize or promote the plan. You can download a copy of the plan schedule below. Reading this Plan can be made simple by using the free YouVersion Bible App.
If you would enjoy listening to a dramatized audio Bible, the CommUNITY Bible Reading Plan is made available in the New King James Version through our partners at Public Reading of Scripture. With your request, we will send you a free copy of this plan for your mobile device (pad or smart phone). To open the file, you will need to first go to or your apps source and install the Public Reading of Scripture App for your device. You can then open the file with the App that will install it in "My Plans."